Folders & FTP

If you upload your audio to your own folders outside of the knowledge of your WordPress Media Library then you can play them by writing shortcodes into your page content. There’s a couple of features that make it easier.

Default Folder

If you put everything in one folder then tell the plugin where the folder is (you can set this on the player settings page) that way you get a handy list of the audio in the folder, and when you write a playlist you can just type in the filenames, the plugin will locate the entire url for you.

To play from your default folder use the tracks parameter in your shortcode, eg:

[playlist tracks="Family Ties.mp3, Fireheart.mp3"]


FEED command

If you organise your playlists into separate folders then you can playlist entire folders in one go very easily. Here’s an example:

[playlist tracks="FEED:/my/folder"]

See the Feeding folders help page for more info.

For more examples on using shortcodes in general, please see the Demo pages.

Posted in Help Articles.